technical SEO tactics
Check your website health

Technical SEO Audit Services

Want to know what’s wrong with your website technical health? Our technical SEO audit helps you to find and fix issues holding you back.

What is a technical SEO audit?

A technical SEO audit is a detailed checkup of a website to ensure that it meets the criteria that search engines use to rank pages. It looks at things like how fast the website loads, whether it’s secure (using HTTPS), and whether it’s easy for search engines to review and organize the content of the site.

Why do you need a technical SEO audit?

A technical SEO audit is crucial for the health and performance of your website. Here are key reasons why you need one.

Website Speed Test.
A technical SEO audit helps identify and fix issues that slow down your website. Faster loading pages improve user experience and can lead to better search engine rankings.

Mobile-Friendliness Test.
The audit checks if your website is easy to use on smartphones and tablets. Because more people use mobile devices to browse the internet, mobile-friendliness is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors.

Errors identification. An audit makes sure your website doesn’t have pages or links to pages returning 3xx, 4xx, 5xx code answers.

Crawlability check.
We check your robots.txt file and meta tags to confirm that they are correctly guiding bots. Address common crawlability issues such as broken links, improper internal linking, and deep website navigation structures.

Key components of technical SEO audit

Comprehensive Website Crawling

Our first step is to perform an in-depth crawl of your website using advanced SEO tools. This helps us identify any technical issues such as broken links, duplicate content, and crawl errors. By understanding the structure and hierarchy of your site, we can pinpoint areas that need optimization to improve search engine accessibility and user experience.

Site Architecture and URL Structure Analysis

A well-structured site architecture is crucial for both search engines and users. We analyze your site's architecture to ensure it's logically organized and that URLs are clean, descriptive, and SEO-friendly. This includes checking for proper use of breadcrumbs, internal linking, and the overall flow of navigation to enhance indexing and user interaction.

Technical On-Page Elements Review

We thoroughly examine on-page technical elements such as meta tags, header tags, and image alt attributes to ensure they are optimized for relevant keywords and adhere to best SEO practices. This also includes checking the implementation of structured data (schema markup) to enhance the visibility of your site in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Performance and Mobile Usability Testing

Performance and Mobile Usability Testing Site speed and mobile usability are critical ranking factors. We conduct performance testing to assess loading times and identify bottlenecks that may hinder speed. Additionally, we perform mobile usability tests to ensure your website is fully responsive and provides an optimal user experience across all devices, which is essential for both user satisfaction and search engine rankings.

Our tools will help you improve your position in search results:

se ranking
yoast seo
google search console
google analytics

Transform your website for better performance.

Technical SEO Audit Report

Our report includes every technical detail that might impact your website rankings or UX. If something is wrong and needs to be fixed, you can hire a technical SEO specialist in Chicago.

Check our technical SEO audit checklist by opening a link below.

Our services to help you achieve the highest positions in search results

SEO Competitor Analysis​

We analyze your competitors' SEO strategies, including keyword usage, backlinks, content quality, and technical SEO. This helps us craft effective strategies to boost your website's search engine rankings.

SEO Content Audit

Want to ensure your content ranks #1 in SERPs? Seotwix will meticulously audit every detail of your website content to identify growth opportunities.

Local SEO Audit

Checking across local listings, maps, and reviews, ensuring accuracy and optimization for geo-specific searches. We analyze local keywords, NAP consistency, and Google My Business profile optimization, providing strategies to improve local visibility and attract nearby customers.


Looking to learn more about technical SEO audit? Browse our FAQs:

Crawling is a system used by search engine bots to examine your site and collect data. This is crucial since if the search engine’s inability to index your site is affected then your site will not feature in any search results.

The activity of storing information associated with content that is encountered during the crawling process is referred to as indexing. Having a well-organized and clean site structure, meta tags, and appropriate use of keywords and non-duplicated content guarantees that all your pages will be indexed.

This is bad for SEO because it confuses a search engine about locating and indexing which of the copied pages it should rank. The strategies that can be used in order to avoid having duplicate content include using canonical tags, creating new content, and using 301 redirects for the duplicate content.

Meta tags are the tags containing information about the page’s content to be passed to the search engine. meta data such as the title tag and meta description are critical since they affect the click-through rates from the SERPs and in turn, enhance the site’s ranking.

The time of a technical SEO audit can vary. It might take a few hours for a small website or up to several weeks for a larger, more complex site. This type of audit looks at the technical health of a website to make sure it’s set up well for search engine visibility.

The cost of a technical SEO audit starts from $499. It depends on the size of the website and the depth of the audit. Prices can go up for larger, more complex sites.

Yes, a technical SEO audit can identify problems with a website that could be holding it back from performing well in search engine results. Once these issues are found, we can fix them, although the audit itself does not fix the issues – it just points them out. We have a variety of different SEO services, so you can find for yourself both individual services and complete SEO.