on page seo audit
Do you need to audit your webpages?

On-Page SEO Audit Service

Ever wonder why your website isn’t bringing in visitors, even though you have great content? Maybe it’s hiding from search engines! Our on-page SEO audit is like a detective for your website.

What is an on-site SEO audit?

An on-page SEO audit is a detailed evaluation of a webpage’s elements that affect search engine rankings. This involves analyzing content  and keyword usage, ensuring titles, meta descriptions, and headers are optimized, and verifying URLs are SEO-friendly and canonicalized. It includes checking internal link structures and anchor text, optimizing multimedia elements like images and videos, and assessing page performance for speed and mobile-friendliness. Additionally, the audit evaluates user experience factors such as readability and engagement metrics, and technical SEO components like schema markup and indexability settings.


Why do you need an onsite SEO audit?

  • Is your website invisible in search results? An audit uncovers why even though you have great content, people can’t find your site.
  • Think of search engines like busy readers. An audit checks for technical problems that make it hard for search engines to read your website.
  • Using the right words is key. An audit ensures your website uses the words people search for to find businesses like yours.
  • Mobile phones rule the web! An audit makes sure your website looks great and works smoothly on all devices, especially phones.
  • Imagine your website as a maze. An audit checks if the pages on your website are well connected, making it easy for visitors to find what they need.
  • See what your competitors are doing. An audit compares your website’s SEO to your competition, helping you find ways to rank higher.
  • Don’t guess, get a plan! An audit gives you a clear list of improvements to make your website more search engine friendly.
  • More visitors mean more business! By improving your SEO, you’ll attract more people to your website, leading to more sales and growth.
on page audit

Our SEO tools:

se ranking
yoast seo
google search console
google analytics

What is the difference between On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO audit?

On-page audit and off-page audit, both are specific SEO services but they work on different grounds. An on-page SEO audit involves the analysis of the structural components of a website. An off-page SEO audit involves the assessment of factors outside the site that can affect the site’s ranking. Such features incorporated backlinks, social media, and the internet reputation. Off-page optimization is a process that seeks to improve the ranking of a website through the involvement of other people and their positive recommendations. Combined, these audits afford the analyzer a broad perspective of how a website looks to the commercial web crawler and how well it performs in terms of the given search engine optimization precepts.

On-Page SEO Audit

For those seeking an affordable SEO solution
$ 749 Starting price from
  • Website Structure
  • Website Copy
  • Meta Title Tags
  • Meta Description Tags
  • HTML Headings (H1-H6)
  • Keyword Usage and Density
  • Keyword Cannibalization
  • Internal Linking
  • Voice Search Readiness
  • CTA Elements
  • Reports

On-page SEO is a crucial factor when it comes to improving your site’s ranking and overall visibility on the Internet, and at, we do not think that a well-executed promotion strategy can be done hastily.  Here’s what our on-page SEO audit covers:

Website Structure: We scrutinize about the planning of your website as it is crucial to logically divide and arrange views and pages on the website to make it easier for both the users and the Search Engine Robots.

Website Copy: As many have said, content is always king. Our first step is to inspect the actual text and its pertinence to your website, and also, the density of keywords in your website copy.

Meta Title Tags: We focus on correct Meta title tags settings when auditing by verifying that the tags used in any given page are unique, contain the necessary keywords, and feature an appropriate number of characters for maximum search engine visibility.

Meta Description Tags: We assess meta descriptions for understandability, relevance and keyword usage together with using clear, specific and click enticing phrases to describe the contents of specific web pages.

HTML Headings (H1-H6): If the headings are used correctly in HTML, this can help in improving readability and achieve better SEO results. We check through the headings to consider organisation in the hierarchy and keywords for the search engine experience.

Keyword Usage and Density: One must ensure that s/he does not over use keywords when creating the descriptions. We also take time to look at the contact, and make adjustments in order to achieve the best results in keyword density but not over optimized as it may result in penalties.

Keyword Cannibalization: We address cases where different page target same keywords; instead, we assign each page specific unique keywords within the relevant categories for better ranking.

Internal Linking: we check the presence and effectiveness of internal links to improve navigation and distribute link equity across pages.

Voice Search Readiness: Given that we are experiencing the growth of voice search, it checks your material’s preparedness for voice queries and ranks for natural language and questioning keywords.

CTA Elements: Well structured calls to actions lead to conversions. When it comes to checkout CTA elements’ arrangement, the placement and wording, and design, we come up with ways of bringing out the best look to ensure your website visitors are directed towards your preferred goals.

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Onsite SEO Audit Report

Our on-site SEO audit report acts as your website’s roadmap to SEO success. We analyze the content on your website, from product descriptions to blog posts, ensuring it’s informative, engaging, and uses the right keywords to attract your target audience.

We also examine your title tags and headings (H1-H6), making sure they’re clear, concise, and accurately reflect the content on each page. This helps search engines and visitors understand what your website is all about at a glance.

The report dives deep into on-page elements like image descriptions and internal linking. We make sure your images have relevant descriptions and alt tags so search engines understand what they represent. Additionally, we analyze how your website’s pages are connected – strong internal linking helps visitors navigate your site easily and keeps them engaged.

Content Marketing Pickering
The proof is in the numbers

What are the benefits of on-page website audit?


of website traffic comes from organic search.

If your website isn’t optimized, you’re missing out on a massive potential customer base! An on-page SEO audit identifies areas for improvement that can significantly boost your website’s ranking in search results. This translates to more organic visitors, the lifeblood of any successful online business.


of improvement in user experience after on-page SEO implemenetation.

A well-optimized website isn’t just good for search engines, it’s also good for users! Our audit analyzes factors like clear content structure, easy navigation, and mobile-friendliness. By addressing these elements, you are keeping visitors engaged and exploring your website for longer. You get higher conversion rates, more website visitors turn and paying customers.


by fixing these seemingly small details, you can see a significant boost in your website’s ranking just in 1 month after implementing changes.

This leads to more organic traffic coming your way, without needing major website restructuring. 

FAQs about on-page SEO audit?

Looking to learn more about on-page SEO audit? Browse our FAQs:

Meta title tags and meta description Tags determine your website’s appearance in the search engine list. Meta Title Tags’ purpose is to describe in several words what a specific page is about and its relevance to a search topic. This, in turn, increases your overall ranking since you can meet the demands of the market more adequately. Meta Description Tags, even though it is not a ranking factor, are very relevant to clicks. They give the users a glimpse of what they are likely to find on your page hence encouraging them to click on the link you provided rather than other competitors’ links. Most common unique meta tags combine the concepts of effectiveness and correctness to give you higher chances of being noticed, a better click-through rate, and therefore, an increased number of visitors.

Yes, a situation where internal linking is not well implemented is can be a determinant to the ranking of your website. Internal links are exceptionally vital in the SEO procedure as they assist the search engines into indexing the different pages on your website according to their relative importance. They help in the finding of new material, share PA, and enhance user experience by directing users to the most suitable web pages. Inability to internally link your pages mess up your site and make search engine crawlers to struggle pulling your content, thus leading to low rankings. Also, it may be difficult for the users to find different parts of the site, which in turn raises the bounce rates and worsens the situation with search engines.

The time it takes for an audit depends on the size and complexity of your website. Typically, it can range from a few days to a week for a basic website. We’ll give you a clear timeframe upfront and keep you updated throughout the process.

Once the audit is complete, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining our findings and recommendations. We’ll explain everything in plain English and prioritize the most impactful changes. You can choose to implement the changes yourself, or we can help you with the process for an additional fee.

Yes, we can fix the issues identified in the on-site SEO audit. We offer additional SEO services to help you implement the recommendations in the report. These services can range from making simple changes to titles and descriptions to more complex tasks like optimizing website structure and content.