Chicago technical SEO company

Let's make your website perform better.

Check our technical SEO services that help you improve your website’s Core Web Vitals metrics, crawlability and indexing.

Chicago view

More than 50% of websites have problem with technical SEO health.

Selecting a good Chicago technical SEO consultant can be difficult, especially among the numerous companies that charge high fees without a technical understanding of how Google search works.

We deep audit your website and identify all the technical aspects, both good and bad.

Then we prioritize which of them are critical problems, and need to be fixed immediately.

Once we have your approval to start solving that, our technical expert will begin to fix it whether it’s day or night.

After solving all the issues, we will re-audit your healthy website, and provide you with a clear report on what we’ve done.

Our technical toolkit:

se ranking
yoast seo
google search console
google analytics
SEO experts who reside in this market.

Dedicated Chicago Technical SEO Consultants

Our SEO experts are equipped with an extensive background in optimizing the technical foundations of websites to meet the intricate demands of search engines. With a deep understanding of algorithm updates and technical best practices, we have successfully boosted numerous Chicago-based firms to the forefront of search results through our SEO packages, ensuring their services are visible to those in need.

chicago technical seo consultant


Momoe Kamata
Momoe Kamata
They are managing my Google profile for 2 months. We’ve set up the goal to be in the top three in one of Chicago suburbs. I feel positive results in calls amount, but there is still a lot of local seo work to be done.
I hired them for website redesign. To be honest they are not great designers, but their experience in SEO optimization is priceless. Website looks clean and pretty simple, but rankings go up, so i don’t know how it works, but this is definitely much better than just a fancy website with 0 visitors =)) 5 out of 5!
Віталій Тареєв
Віталій Тареєв
Зробили гарний вебсайт! Рекомендую!
Suyen Lee
Suyen Lee
This is exactly the kind of realistic approach I needed for the SEO Chicago market. After working with large, impersonal marketing agencies, it's refreshing to have someone like Yulian who's available every day to communicate and brainstorm new ideas for my website. He truly makes you feel like you and your business are a priority, not just another account.
Clifford Hayes
Clifford Hayes
Nice work guys !!!
Alyssa C
Alyssa C
Overall, this team has improved our SEO, but it hasn't been without challenges. Their team is skilled and the strategies are effective, but we experienced some missteps in the implementation process. They were able to rectify most issues, but consistent follow-up is needed to ensure everything runs smoothly. Still, the results have been positive for our business
Ксенія Пономарьова
Ксенія Пономарьова
Thanks to Seotwix, our cafe's Google Maps visibility has skyrocketed. Highly recommend their local SEO expertise!
Matheus Borges
Matheus Borges
Gracias a su optimización de SEO local, ahora aparecemos en los primeros resultados de búsqueda locales, lo que ha aumentado el tráfico de clientes a nuestro negocio
Jasmine Brown
Jasmine Brown
They are very proactive, responsive, and genuinely invested in our success. The increase in organic traffic and lead generation has exceeded our expectations. We couldn’t be happier with the results!!

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ap news mentioned seotwix
business insider mentioned seotwix
yahoo finance mentioned seotwix mentioned seotwix


At Seotwix, we see technical SEO as the foundation of a strong online presence. It’s about ensuring search engines can easily crawl, understand, and index your website. It’s like building a highway for search engines to find your amazing content!

Technical SEO is like having a well-oiled machine under the hood of your website. By fixing crawl errors, optimizing site speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness, you create a positive user experience that search engines love. This can lead to higher rankings and more organic traffic.

We see a lot of Chicago websites struggling with slow loading times, broken links, and mobile display issues. These can be frustrating for visitors and hinder search engine visibility. Seotwix can identify and fix these issues to get your website running smoothly.

There are SEO audit tools available, but they can get technical. Here at Seotwix, we have a team of SEO experts who can perform a comprehensive technical SEO audit and provide solutions tailored to your website. We can also recommend user-friendly tools to help you stay on top of basic technical SEO maintenance.

Think of it like getting a checkup for your website! We recommend a technical SEO audit at least once a year, or whenever you make significant changes to your website.

Search engines are getting smarter and prioritize user experience more than ever. Here at Seotwix, we stay on top of trends like Core Web Vitals (focusing on site speed, responsiveness, and visual stability) and voice search optimization (ensuring your website is optimized for conversational searches).

There are benefits to both! A Chicago-based SEO company like Seotwix understands the unique landscape of the Chicago market and the search intent behind local keywords. However, national SEO firms might have a wider range of experience. Here at Seotwix, we combine local expertise with proven national SEO strategies to deliver the best local SEO results for your Chicago business.

Let's treat your website 🍀