How to Create Custom SEO Reports for Clients

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Delivering custom SEO reports to your clients is essential for building trust, showcasing your results, and justifying your efforts. Generic reports won’t cut it for clients seeking tailored insights into their unique business goals. By creating a personalized report that highlights your client’s progress, areas for improvement, and specific KPIs, you’ll stand out as a professional SEO provider.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to create custom SEO reports that truly resonate with your clients.

Why Custom SEO Reports Matter

Providing a customized SEO report isn’t just about displaying data—it’s about telling a story. It allows you to:

  • Demonstrate value: Show clients the return on their investment (ROI).
  • Tailor insights: Focus on metrics that matter most to your client’s business goals.
  • Highlight success: Celebrate wins and build trust.
  • Pinpoint opportunities: Identify areas for continued improvement.
semrush report
Semrush report

In any industry, transparency in SEO performance through clear, customized reporting can lead to long-term client relationships.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Custom SEO Reports

1. Understand Your Client’s Business Goals

Before creating a report, you must first understand the client’s specific goals. Are they looking to:

  • Drive more local traffic?
  • Improve eCommerce sales?
  • Increase leads or inquiries?

This insight ensures that your report focuses on the KPIs that are most meaningful to the client. For example, an epoxy flooring SEO company targeting local business will care more about local SEO metrics than broad national rankings.

Key Business Metrics to Consider:

  • Organic traffic: Growth over time, especially from target regions.
  • Conversion rate: How traffic leads to sales or inquiries.
  • Lead generation: Number of contact form submissions, calls, or in-store visits.
  • Revenue impact: How SEO efforts contribute to the bottom line.

2. Choose the Right Tools

SEO reporting tools make data collection and presentation easier. Popular platforms for SEO reporting include:

  • Google Analytics: Great for tracking traffic, behavior, and conversions.
  • Google Search Console: Offers insights into search performance, keyword rankings, and click-through rates.
  • Ahrefs or SEMrush: Ideal for in-depth keyword research, backlink analysis, and competitor tracking.
  • Moz: Focuses on domain authority, keyword rankings, and on-page SEO metrics.

Each of these tools will provide insights tailored to various aspects of your client’s SEO strategy, making it easier to pull the data into your report.

3. Select Relevant KPIs

There are many SEO metrics available, but not all of them will be relevant to your client’s goals. Customize the report by focusing on specific KPIs, such as:

Local SEO KPIs:

  • Local pack rankings (3-pack positions in Google).
  • Google My Business impressions and interactions.
  • Local keyword performance.

On-Page SEO KPIs:

  • Page speed improvements.
  • Keyword ranking changes.
  • Meta tag optimization (titles, descriptions).

Off-Page SEO KPIs:

  • Backlink growth (number and quality).
  • Domain authority progress.
  • Referral traffic from external sites.

User Behavior Metrics:

  • Bounce rate: Percentage of visitors leaving after viewing only one page.
  • Session duration: How long visitors stay on the website.
  • Pages per session: The number of pages a visitor views in one visit.

4. Create a Visual, Easy-to-Read Format

Presenting data is one thing; making it understandable is another. Avoid overwhelming clients with too much jargon and endless spreadsheets. Instead, aim for:

  • Charts and graphs to visually display trends.
  • Comparison tables to show month-over-month or year-over-year changes.
  • Clear explanations of what the data means and how it impacts their business.

For example, use a line graph to show organic traffic growth over time or a bar chart for keyword ranking improvements.

MetricLast MonthThis Month% Change
Organic Traffic10,50012,800+21.9%
Keyword Rankings4558+28.8%
Conversion Rate4.2%5.1%+21.4%
Backlinks Acquired1218+50%

5. Explain Results and Action Items

Data is great, but your clients need to understand what it all means. Be sure to include interpretations and next steps in your report.

Example Breakdown:

  • Keyword Growth: Explain how the site is ranking better for specific local keywords and how that is driving more relevant traffic.
  • Conversion Rate Increase: Describe how your recent improvements in site speed and user experience have led to a rise in form submissions or phone calls.
  • Backlink Strategy: Discuss the success of a recent outreach campaign to obtain high-quality backlinks and how it’s impacting domain authority.

6. Compare Against Competitors

Clients love seeing how they stack up against their competitors. Providing a competitor analysis section can give context to their SEO performance and identify opportunities for future growth.

What to Include:

  • Keyword ranking comparisons: Where do they stand versus competitors for key terms?
  • Backlink analysis: Are competitors gaining more high-authority links?
  • Site audits: Show any competitive advantages, such as better page speed or mobile-friendliness.

7. Include a Summary and Recommendations

End each report with a summary of what’s working and what needs attention. This helps provide clarity on how the SEO campaign is progressing and gives direction for the next steps. Consider including:

  • SEO wins: Highlight top achievements for the reporting period (e.g., increase in local keyword rankings).
  • Actionable insights: Focus on what should be improved next (e.g., targeting more long-tail keywords, improving content structure).

8. Automate Monthly Reports (But Make Them Personal)

Once you’ve created a custom SEO report, use automation tools to save time generating future reports. Platforms like Google Data Studio, DashThis, or SEMRush’s custom report builder allow for the automation of key metrics.

However, always include a personalized analysis for each client to ensure that the report feels custom rather than cookie-cutter.

Creating a custom SEO report for clients is about more than just delivering data—it’s about communicating value. By understanding your client’s goals, focusing on the right KPIs, and presenting the information in a clear, visual format, you’ll establish trust and showcase your role in their digital success.

These reports are your chance to celebrate wins, build credibility, and help guide your client’s SEO strategy moving forward.


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